
kidney infection symptoms

13/09/2012 15:07

kidney Infection
SYMPTOMS - may have no symptoms or to be blood and / or albumin in the urine, pain in the lower back and stomach, and even chills, fatigue, edema of the face, nausea and vomiting, frequent desire to urinate, and loss of appetite, and in more serious cases of anemia and high blood pressure.
This is an inflammation of one or both
Thousands of tiny renal cell fluid filtered from the blood in order to purify it. This in turn filter can become clogged with toxins and mucus. When these small cells swell and inflammation, followed by infections.

The infection can be either acute or chronic nature, and may be required renal failure hospitalization.

Constipation causes toxic substances to reabsorb into the blood, thereby
renal problems.
Excessive use of aspirin and other pain medications weakens the kidneys; beer can cause kidney failure. Toxins such as heavy metals even more damage. Drugs for high blood pressure reduce circulation and thus harm renal failure the kidneys.

The infection can cause kidney and bladder bacterial infections ( s ee "Cystitis"), which is reached through the ureter to the kidney.

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